I think it is possible for someone to reach riches through marriage, but I don’t think it is really possible to reach success through marriage. And magic isn’t going to help you reach success or riches unless you are a magician. It is definitely possible to become rich through marriage. People are always saying “I’ll just marry someone rich”, and people actually do that. Sometimes it’s older men looking got younger wives to hang off of their arm. Sometimes it’s older women looking for younger men. Sugar daddies literally pay people to keep them company, this isn’t marriage but it is an example of the idea, some people marry only for money or companionship. I think in some cases you might be able to reach success through marriage because maybe you were trying to start a business and your spouse had the funding or gave you the support you needed. But other than those cases success is achieved through hard work. Magic can’t help you reach either because it doesn’t exist. Magic always helps the main characters in fairy tales but that isn’t how real life works. We don’t usually get to meet princes that swoop us off our feet and into a life of splendor in a castle. It is possible for people to meet their prince or princess that swoops them off their feet, but not may are going to be rich or live in a castle. It is possible for people to reach riches through marriage and maybe reach success through marriage, however it is not very common.

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